My Software Engineering manifesto

Please, have some sense of irony when reading my programming manifesto. I dedicate this page to Terry Davis (1969 – 2018), the smartest programmer that has ever lived.

In my opinion, Unix founding fathers were genious people, although quite corporate. Linux made it free as in freedom. That's why no free man should ever use this niche operating system for gaming called Windows. In fact, for most blue-pilled consumers with shit for brains the operating system is nothing more than a bootloader into Google Chrome, so it's possible for them to tolerate Windows. For any kind of work, especially programming, nothing matches a hand-crafted Linux setup. Actually, it's impossible to create your own setup with Windows, because of its closed off 1984 nature. When using Windows you basically become a faceless gear in a corporate system which has filling Bill Gates' pockets as its sole purpose.

And here is my pasta from an older discussion of Windows: "Saying that Windows sucks is an insult for all dick suckers, because this is such an evil and stupid operating system I physically can't stand it. First of all, everyone who doesn't hate corporations and/or doesn't care about how anything in the world works is a perfect 1984 citizen and I hope that you find your 'heaven' in a totalitarian world where everyone uses the same proprietary software which is produced by some corporation probably run by American dem-party supporters ('dem' for dementia, apparently) who are probably also pedophiles. And for people with at least some fragment of common sense I wanna say that after using Linux for a little bit you start understanding the dystopian nature of modern consumerist software. It is simply atrocious how 1984 it is. Look, a Linux desktop can be whatever you want it to be and every literate Linux user creates an environment that is truly their own. You can even build your own distro if you're brave and can endure immense pain like me (I did build Linux from Scratch; is there a 'build your own Windows'? No. Because you can't). Windows, however, puts its hentai tentacles deep into your ass. Every single fucking person uses this and experiences the same problems. The way it is embedded in human culture is outstanding. How do you not feel dirty when touching this corporate piece of mass culture. And honestly I feel bad for everyone using this the same way you'd feel bad for a 1984 citizen who doesn't get why you are so concerned. There is no other way to understand it other than getting out of this rathole. Okay, you might say that I am just protesting against mainstream, but what's wrong with that? Most people are idiots anyway. But wait until I tell you about Windows development. Trying to compile something for Windows is a fucking challenge for your nervous system. A simple google search would say that the best compiler is gcc, meaning they didn't even make anything better than the Free Software Foundation. And you have to explicitly state where the headers and libraries are located 'cause Windows is too dumb to have a standard for directories and, this is the one that I don't get at all, you install everything through the web browser. What the hell? Why does an anarchist free fragmented into many distros operating system like Linux have more order than you do? Problems don't end here. Once you've manually unzipped the libraries and added the paths to your Makefile, the command line (cygwin, too) turns out to be shit. Gdb won't work. And thousands of other problems will lengthen your suffering. Excuse me, why is it called Windows and not 'shithole'? Don't get me wrong, I really like tinkering with computers, but it's not very much fun to tinker with ass shit. Who could ever think that this is a good operating system? Why is all computing done through Windows API and you can't just access the kernel? 'cause it's proprietary AND it does not use libc as a layer of abstraction. The Unix way is so much more sensible. I think that, if a person has more than 10 IQ points, they have a moral obligation to bury this garbage underground. God probably created an eighth circle of hell for Bill Gates (and Steve Jobs for good measure. See 'phones' section). I was told 'Linux is hard. Windows is easy', but I struggle to see why. Windows probably has everything I hate in this world inside. I think that OOP and Java became popular because Windows APIs were hard to use in C (See 'OOP and modern languages' section). I like when stuff makes sense, but this doesn't make any. In conclusion, Windows is literally world evil."

As for overall performance and quality of today's software I recommend watching e.g. "The Thirty Million Line Problem" talk by Casey Muratori.

OOP and modern languages

I think that a lot of programmers nowadays are starting to understand that there is something wrong with Object Oriented programming (and I mean traditional class-oriented languages with inheritance and shit). All those 'composition over inheritance' and 'procedural and functional over OOP' movements are quite good, but people are still payed shit ton of money for Java Enterprise development. And the most cutting-edge femboy language right now is Rust which is not trying to be OOP at all. It does have a lot of good technical decisions in it, but I don't see Rust as a particularly convenient development platform. I won't even talk about JavaScript, because enough has been said about it. An interesting point's been made about Typescript, though. They made JS the assembly of the web by creating a typed language that compiles to JS. This is a mistake in the same way creating Node was a mistake. It does make Web development easier in the short run, but at the same time it makes us stray away further from God, because much more software is now done in JS, so half the world runs on a piece-of-shit language written in 2 weeks (of course, modern JS is much more complex and now there is V8, but the point holds). I come from an ultraconservative (more precisely, traditionalist), anti-progressive background, which might make me biased towards simpler tech, but I think that a lot of programmers can sympathise with the thought of The C programming language simplicity being superior to any other language. After all, they can't replace it with anything for over 50 years (No, Rust is not a replacement for C). C++ can be an enhanced version of C if you only use it as C with an extended standard library and some modern features, but overcomplicating your code with OOP can lead to disasters, so C++ doesn't strictly qualify for 'a better C'. Go is not 'C, but better'. It's built specifically for web by Google and doesn't have much advantage outside of that field, although, having some C developers (and ideas) behind, it includes some great technical decisions. Obviously, there is never going to be a perfect language for everything, but we can at least try to choose the ones that are the least shitty.


So I hate phones both because they are shit from a technical point of view:

and because phones are shit from an ideological point of view. I am not a Stallmanist kind of GNU+Linux fanatic, but I do understand the sentiment behind Stallman's software freedoms and the hilarious fact that he doesn't allow any proprietary devices in the house.